
S I D D A N «

Welcome to my place on the Wild Web. This is my own carved side baked into a what I think is a unique and comfortable design.
Here I collect on me especially photos that I took on myself or unique that I have found, some Flash Games/movies, some special poems I come across and a bit mixed on both (o) necessary things.

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Yesterday 4th of June 2018 Apple presented in its developer conference a very much anticipated feature of a dark mode which has finally arrived to MacOS new OS version named Mojave.
Nice of Apple that my web page has given them the inspiration to finally after like 8 years or so to complete the feature since I first created my web page with day and night mode. Ü 

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I, and probably many like me, have long thought that soundtracks have a large influence on the movies. Had also thought about collecting the best soundtracks from movies but sometimes it's a little boring to not see the scene where the soundtrack was played. Otherwise it may have a much stronger connection in a way. The movies with music that has touched me the most is Rocky, Rambo and some older martial arts movies like Bloodsport and kickboxer. But, when I saw Tron: Legacy at the cinema, I was totally amazed at the soundtrack Daft Punk has composed together, what I would like to say to be the milestone for the emergence of a category dedicated to soundtracks. It does not prevent, however,  to slip in some TV series aswell.

There are, of course, already some videos on Youtube for example, playing soundtrack from the movies, but have never seen where the soundtrack gives priority over the speech and sound effects. Therefore, the idea here is to fix movies with soundtracks from the specific scenes and really hear the music in higher quality without being disturbed by either speech or other sound effects.

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I had a nostalgia trip which began quite lightly and searched for old sweet songs for Amiga games. It started with Lost Patrol, Golden Axe and Super Cars 2. This was admittedly a couple of months ago. But recently, I was curious if there could be any remixed versions.
Then I discovered that there are a plethora of remixed soundtracks and some were real good, really incredibly good actually! Most are electronic trance styles, but there are also smooth piano/symphony and a few rare orchestral versions.

Here I saw a new collection began to take shape and started looking for more games with great soundtracks. There were also discoveries in reverse order from Amiga games I never even heard of or at least didn´t take much notice of where the remixed songs were really good. The game could be really bad, a pain to play and the soundtrack could be really awesome. So now I have therefore put up a small collection of my favorite songs in Musik » Chipmusik category. Here I mainly prioritize remixed versions of game soundtracks for the Amiga, Commodore 64, then miscellaneous demo scenes and possibly a few other platforms such as Sega. Go ahead and enjoy!

For the new listeners, unknowingly, on what chip music or chiptune is and what it means, I have tried to compile a small article if you choose to read on ....

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After 4 years, the page is finally ready for a re-publishing. The previous one had an old system and not as secure anymore.

What also is new is that the page is mobile optimized but have not resolved yet how you can easily choose the full version if once should prefer.

Left to do, except to put up more content, add English language selection menu and do some refinements here and there.

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Finally my website is ready to publish ... again!
At least the design feels complete, especially the evening theme.
Right now it's a little desolated on this site but there will be more! Was going to start adding up the pictures and then some other things.

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