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Before Eurovision 2019
How were the others?

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Amiga game from 1990
Composer: Chris Hülsbeck

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Before Eurovision 2018
How were the others?

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Before Eurovision 2016
How were the others?

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Before Eurovision 2017
How were the others?

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Amiga game from 1989.
Composer: Jason C. Brooke

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Amiga game from 1991
Composer: Barry Leitch

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Amiga game from 1990
Composer: David Whittaker

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C64 game from 1987
Composer: Ben Daglish, Matt Gray et al.

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Demoscene from 1991
Composer: 4-Mat

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Amiga game from 1993
Composer: Jon Hare/Richard Joseph

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Amiga game from 1990
Composer: Chris Glaister

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Soundtracks in a movie plays an important role in boosting the feel and/or excitement. Some soundtracks are so good that you can listen to them without having to see the movie.
Here you will find such soundtracks that are really great to listen to, but instead of just listening, you can also watch the scene where the soundtrack is played.
In some scenes the volume of the soundtrack is quite low so I needs to synchronize a separate soundtrack into the scene as well as decreasing the volume of the speech and sound effects so it will not interfere too much with the soundtrack. I call this "Enhanced Soundtrack".
The main focus here are movies where the soundtracks were specifically created for the movie, or even TV-series.

There are bunch of websites listing remixed chip music and other sites retro chip music, but nowhere can I see the two combined together with some info. Here you will find my chosen favourite remixes with the original chip music of mainly older 80-90s game soundtracks for the Amiga, Commodore 64, various demo scenes and possibly a few other platforms such as Sega and Nintendo, etc.
Read my summary text on what chip music is and what it means.

Before Eurovision 2017
When all countries performs in Eurovision, the question is always asked - Had the country no better contribution to come with?Maybe it's only me , but I've always been curious about all the other songs that did not represent their nation.

Here's your chance to listen to the better songs, according to my subjective assessment, that could not compete in Eurovision