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The original sound of the popular Crazy Frog

In 2001, the adoption of the irritating sound of a formula 1 picture for one that was called "Deng Deng Form" became to be a sort of humorous State of sanity test. So ... how long can you stay sane before you turn insane?


Which then was adopted to "The Annoying Thing"

Which in turn gave the birth to Crazy Frog

Crazy Frog - Axel F from Kaktus Film on Vimeo.


The sound originally came from the swede Daniel Malmedahl in 1997 who tried for fun impersonate the sound from a 2-stroke engine.
He posted it on his Web page, and after he became convinced to perform the sound live on the radio it came to appear on television and the recording became popular over file-sharing services and other web sites with the name "2TAKTARE" (2strokes).

In 2003 another Swedish actor and a playwrighter named Erik Wernquist discovered this sound without knowing its origin, and used it to create an animated figure using the LightWave 3D Modelling into a ringtone provider Jamba!
The figure became known as "The Annoying Thing" and took 6 to 8 weeks to finish.

The animation became so popular that it eventually brought Daniel to its attention and Erik could change the name from "Anonymous" to the actual creator - Daniel Malmedahl

The animation got a lot of attention and the ringtone provider Jamba saw the money value with this new iconed face and licensed the rights for creation and renamed it to "Crazy Frog" which began to hit the market in mid-2004.
Wernquists discontent became complete when he realized how popular the character really was, for it is neither frog nor especially crazy for that matter.

Source: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia