

[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder media/puppy/Bruno/Miscellaneous is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

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[sigplus] Critical error: Image gallery folder media/puppy/Bruno/Miscellaneous is expected to be a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end.

The most wonderful dog that was! Ever playful, always fun, always ... well, wonderful. So let it once upon a time. It really is a dog who was happy, playful and lively all the way to the final.

{gallery} media/puppy/Bruno/Miscellaneous {/gallery}

Bruno reached 9 years and still behaved like a two-year-old and could play and have it at himself anytime and anywhere when you expect it the least. Because of impaired heart, in its still young and healthy and strong body, he unfortunately did not live the whole year out and woke up no more after a final good night's sleep the 27th december 2005. :(
He will always be remembered.

Bruno was the second dog in my lifetime and before him I had a similiar but with a golden browncolored female named Sofie which was just as wonderful, but unfortunately was passed on at quite an early age because of cancer, in her six years old if I remember correctly:( I felt very empty the following years afterwards and decided in the end to find a new replacement to light up the day to day life. Who knows, maybe it will be a new soon again ...

  • Name: Bruno
  • Breed: Boxer
  • Born: 1996-09-26